What is sleep apnea? It might be why you can’t sleep

New Delhi, November 15, 2023: Not getting enough sleep is linked with many chronic diseases and conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. It also notes that “11% Indian adults with men at higher 13% compared to women 5%

Why do I pee so much at night? Causes and treatments

New Delhi, November 10, 2023: Usually, when you need to go to the toilet for pee quite often during the day and even at night – you automatically assume it’s because you’ve had too much water to drink. But what if that isn’t

Sit and stand test could predict how long you’ll live for

New Delhi, November 09, 2023: One doctor has shared sit and stand test that could be an indicator of your life expectancy, while it’s impossible to predict your exact lifespan. Speaking on the Today show, NBC News medical contributor Doctor Natalie Azar

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