Why you feel so sleepy in the autumn?

Feeling sleepy throughout the day in autumn is common.

New Delhi, Oct 19 (Mirror): “In autumn it’s getting darker in the evening, which means melatonin (the sleep hormone) is produced earlier and makes us feel sleepy, It is also darker in the mornings which keeps our melatonin levels high, meaning that we feel sleepy throughout the day,” sleep expert Lisa Artis, deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity told the Metro.

Waking up to natural lighting can make you feel more awake, and it gives a signal to your body clock to wake up and “stop producing melatonin.” Lisa suggests that having your alarm out of reach, using a sunrise alarm, putting lights on straight away and a cold shower can all help to get you up and shake off the sleepiness.

“Open your curtains so that as soon as it starts to get lighter you will feel the benefits. Consider using light box therapy if you really do struggle,” Lisa added. Other good ways to combat the autumn blues in the mornings can be to keep practising good “sleep hygiene” – making sure you keep a regular sleeping pattern.

Lisa also suggests taking time to look at your routine before bed, urging people to avoid alcohol if possible. Although it may make you sleepy, she explained it won’t give you a deep sleep and it “won’t be as restorative for your mind or body”.