Seven foods to keep your cholesterol levels safe

Eating garlic could help to lower cholesterol levels (Image: Getty Images)

Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, February 6, 2024: A nutrition expert has revealed what seven foods you should include in your diet to keep your cholesterol levels safe.

Ashleigh Tosh, nutrition expert from Prepped Pots told the Express: “The good news is there are foods out there that can lower high cholesterol levels and provide us with good cholesterol which is important in keeping our arteries clean.”

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood and too much of it can block blood vessels.

While “bad” cholesterol puts a strain on your cardiovascular health by hardening your arteries, increasing your chance of having a heart attack or a stroke. It is generally caused by eating fatty foods, not exercising, being overweight, smoking, drinking alcohol and can also run in families.

The “good” type cholesterol helps to remove plaque and cholesterol build-up from this area.

There aren’t really any symptoms when you have high cholesterol and the only way you can find out if your levels are safe is by having a blood test. Exercising more is one way to lower levels, as is eating healthily and there are certain foods that can help with this.

The following foods that can lower high bad cholesterol levels and provide us with good cholesterol which is important in keeping our arteries clean.

1. Berries

Packed with antioxidants and fibre, berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries represent an easy and tasty way to lower your cholesterol.

The nutrition expert recommended enjoying them on their own or adding them to shakes and breakfasts.

2. Fatty fish

Oily fish such as salmon provide a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that can increase your levels of good cholesterol, helping to keep the bad one at bay.

3. Avocado

The creamy green fruit is brimming with healthy fats which help to lower bad cholesterol and increase the good one, “giving it the perfect balance”, according to the expert.

However, avocados are quite fatty, so you should limit yourself to half an avocado a day, Tosh recommended.

4. Garlic

Whether you use it as a base for your pasta sauce or add it to a fragrant curry, garlic contains compounds that can lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Tosh said: “It’s a vegetable which can be easily incorporated into just about any recipe. You can also take this in supplement form.”

5. Nuts

Rich in healthy fats and fibre, the likes of almonds and walnuts are another great snack that contributes to a healthy heart.

The nutrition expert recommended enjoying an ounce or two of these nuts daily. “You could make a trail mix…or add them into salads, breakfasts and smoothies,” she said.

6. Fibre rich vegetables

A staple of a healthy diet, vegetables are excellent sources of fibre which can lower your cholesterol levels. “Veg like broccoli and Brussels sprouts are particularly good for the heart, having a positive impact on cholesterol levels,” Tosh said.

7. Dark chocolate

The decadent treat can contribute to a healthy heart when enjoyed in moderation, the expert shared.

“In order to reap the benefits, opt for a chocolate with at least a 70 percent cocoa content,” she added.