Black pepper helps lower blood pressure

Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, February 10, 2024: Several studies suggest the black pepper has the power to help lower your blood pressure. Ground black pepper, derived from the dried fruit of the Piper nigrum plant, is not just a popular spice for enhancing the

Magnesium can help you sleep

New York, January 30, 2024 (The New York Times) Studies have found a link between low levels of magnesium, an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in a wide range of bodily processes, and sleep disorders. But if you are concerned

What your pee says about your health?

New Delhi, January 25, 2024: Most of you pee around 6-7 times a day but how often do you actually look at your urine? If you aren’t paying attention to your urine, you could be missing a lot of information about the

Cinnamon can help slash diabetes, BP and cholesterol

January 17, 2024: Cinnamon is known for offering a sweet, woody flavour to a range of foods, from savoury curries to baked treats and even certain coffees and teacups. It is also full of antioxidants that research suggests can help slash diabetes,