Drinking just six to eight glasses of water each day could help burn belly fat

The NHS reports you should drink six to eight cups of fluid a day - that includes tea, coffee, and a cup of soup.

Drinking just six to eight glasses of water each day could help burn belly fat and protect our vital organs, health experts report.

Bupa Senior Specialist Dietitian at Cromwell Hospital, Maya Aboukhater reports that carrying more belly fat is linked to a number of serious health problems such as heart and circulatory problems, high blood pressure and strokes, sleep apnoea, bowel cancer, insulin resistance and type two diabetes.

She said, “Even if you have a healthy weight for height, anyone can have this type of deep of visceral fat around their inner organs. Eating fruit, vegetables and healthy fats such as those found in the Mediterranean diet can help you stay healthy and prevent the build-up of visceral fat.”

Boosting our water intake every day could help burn belly fat. Swapping sports drinks and sugar/sweetened drinks for water could make a significant difference to your weight and overall health. The NHS reports you should drink six to eight cups of fluid a day – that includes tea, coffee, and a cup of soup.

A spokesperson for the NHS said: “The NHS recommends that we drink 6–8 glasses of water per day, and the key is to start drinking in the morning and continue to do so regularly throughout the day. This doesn’t have to be consumed as plain water and can include lower fat milk and/or lower sugar or sugar free drinks such as low sugar cordials, tea and coffee.”

The signs of dehydration are visible in the colour of our urine, the NHS adds. Dark and strong smelling urine is a clear sign of dehydration and can be used as a good indicator that we need to drink more.

At least five portions of fruits and vegetables, as well as beans, fish, eggs, small amounts of unsaturated fats such as olive oil, and reduced fat dairy or soya drinks, could help help burn belly fat.

Credit to:- Lucy Marshall (Mirror)