Aspirin could help cut diabetes risk in in elderly

New Delhi, November 16, 2023: Taking aspirin every day could lower the type 2 diabetes risk among people over 65 (Indian over 60), a study suggests. It found a 15% reduction in the condition and a slower rate of increase in fasting

What is sleep apnea? It might be why you can’t sleep

New Delhi, November 15, 2023: Not getting enough sleep is linked with many chronic diseases and conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. It also notes that “11% Indian adults with men at higher 13% compared to women 5%

Why do I pee so much at night? Causes and treatments

New Delhi, November 10, 2023: Usually, when you need to go to the toilet for pee quite often during the day and even at night – you automatically assume it’s because you’ve had too much water to drink. But what if that isn’t

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