New Delhi, Mar 6 (PTI) More than 2.5 crore people in the world could be living with Parkinson’s disease by 2050, largely driven by an ageing population, according to a study. Researchers, including those from the Capital Medical University, China, said the
New Delhi, Mar 21 (PTI) More than 33 per cent of Indians suffer from prehypertension, a recent Indian Council of Medical Research study has said, raising concerns on the impact of the condition as it often progresses to full-blown hypertension. In the
New Delhi, Mar 20 (PTI) A book on the life and times of former RBI governor Duvvuri Subbarao will hit the stands on April 30, announced Penguin Random House India (PRHI) on Wednesday. “Just A Mercenary?: Notes from My Life and Career”
Cork (Ireland), Mar 20 (The Conversation) Our brains change more rapidly at various times of our lives, as though life’s clock was ticking faster than usual. Childhood, adolescence and very old age are good examples of this. Yet for much of adulthood,
New Delhi, Mar 19 (PTI) Air pollution has become a major source of lung diseases and plays a major part in exacerbating other ailments such as diabetes and sleep apnea, health experts said on Tuesday and called for measures to control it.